30.09. | 13h00 | Conference start Welcome notes |
01.10. | 09h00 | Welcome | |
Chair: Prof. Dr. T. Agostini, Trieste |
13h25 | Keynote 1: Producing and perceiving sounds together (Prof. Dr. G. Knoblich, Budapest) |
Chair: Prof. Dr. M. Weigelt, Paderborn |
09h15 | Keynote 5: Multisensory influences on motor behavior and vice versa (Prof. Dr. C. Spence, Oxford) |
14h15 | Action discrimination based on auditory kinematics (P. Vinken, Hanover) |
10h05 | Anticipation of action effects – comparison of brain activation by visual and by audio visual stimulation (Dr. M. Bischoff, Muenster) |
14h30 | It is all about rhythm! Empirical evidence for the benefits of acoustic stimuli/information in sports and rehabilitation (Dr. N. Schaffert, Hamburg) |
10h20 | Are therapeutic effects on pusher behaviour based on conflicting sensory information? (Dr. C. Krewer, Bad Aibling) |
14h45 | Coffee break | 10h35 10h45 |
Coffee break Intermezzo |
Chair: Prof. Dr. T. Münte, Lübeck |
15h00 | Keynote 2: The benefits and costs of multisensory perception (Prof. Dr. M. Ernst, Bielefeld) |
Chair: Dr. F. Bevilacqua, Paris |
10h55 | Keynote 6: Sonification of physical quantities: an overview over the most used mapping strategies, with some examples in sport applications (Prof. Dr. R. Bresin, Stockholm) |
15h50 | Evaluating functional and motivational effects of rhythmic stimulation modes applied to the Nine Hole Peg Test (F. Speth, Berlin) |
11h45 | Auditory feedback affects perception of effort when exercising with a pulley machine (Prof. Dr. S. Serafin, Copenhagen) |
16h05 | Does a rhythmic auditory feedback help exercising with an auditory instruction? (J. Maculewicz, Copenhagen) |
12h00 | Real-time sonification in swimming – from pressure changes of displaced water to sound (Dr. B. E. Ungerechts, Bielefeld) |
16h20 | Coffee break & Postersession |
12h15 | Lunch Break | |||
Chair: Prof. Dr. N. Wenderoth, Zurich |
17h15 | Keynote 3: Augmented visual and auditory feedback and the acquisition of coordination skills (Prof. Dr. S. Swinnen, Leuven) |
Chair: Prof. Dr. C. Voelcker-Rehage, Bremen |
13h15 | Keynote 7: Recovery of a unisensory deficit following multisensory rehabilitation (Prof. Dr. E. Làdavas, Bologna) |
18h05 | Continuous sound feedback in tracking tasks (E.O. Boyer, Paris) |
14h05 | Repetitive arm training with music and error sonification for therapy following stroke (A. Immoos, Zurich) |
18h20 | Sonification of the coordination of arm movements (Dr. F. Bevilacqua, Paris) |
14h20 | The use of ecological sounds in neurorehabilitation of apraxia (Dr. M. Bienkiewicz, Muenchen) |
Chair: Prof. Dr. E. Altenmüller, Hanover |
18h35 | Keynote 4: Movement sonification and interactive sound art (Prof. Dr. G. Eckel, Graz) |
14h35 | Keynote 8: Sonification in sport and rehabilitation (Prof. Dr. A. O. Effenberg & Dr. G. Schmitz, Hanover, Dr. P. Wolf, Zurich) |
19h25 | End of scientific program | 15h25 |
End of conference |
19h45 |
Social event |
30.09. | 1 pm (13h00) |
Conference start Welcome notes |
01.10. | 9 am (09h00) |
Welcome | |
Chair: Prof. Dr. T. Agostini, Trieste |
1.25 pm (13h25) |
Keynote 1: Producing and perceiving sounds together (Prof. Dr. G. Knoblich, Budapest) |
Chair: Prof. Dr. M. Weigelt, Paderborn |
09.15 am (09h15) |
Keynote 5: Multisensory influences on motor behavior and vice versa (Prof. Dr. C. Spence, Oxford) |
2.15 pm (14h15) |
Action discrimination based on auditory kinematics (P. Vinken, Hanover) |
10.05 am (10h05) |
Anticipation of action effects – comparison of brain activation by visual and by audio visual stimulation (Dr. M. Bischoff, Muenster) |
2.30 pm (14h30) |
It is all about rhythm! Empirical evidence for the benefits of acoustic stimuli/information in sports and rehabilitation (Dr. N. Schaffert, Hamburg) |
10.20 am (10h20) |
Are therapeutic effects on pusher behaviour based on conflicting sensory information? (Dr. C. Krewer, Bad Aibling) |
2.45 pm (14h45) |
Coffee break | 10.35 am 10.45 am |
Coffee break Intermezzo |
Chair: Prof. Dr. T. Münte, Lübeck |
3 pm (15h00) |
Keynote 2: The benefits and costs of multisensory perception (Prof. Dr. M. Ernst, Bielefeld) |
Chair: Dr. F. Bevilacqua, Paris |
10.55 am (10h55) |
Keynote 6: Sonification of physical quantities: an overview over the most used mapping strategies, with some examples in sport applications (Prof. Dr. R. Bresin, Stockholm) |
3.50 pm (15h50) |
Evaluating functional and motivational effects of rhythmic stimulation modes applied to the Nine Hole Peg Test (F. Speth, Berlin) |
11.45 am (11h45) |
Auditory feedback affects perception of effort when exercising with a pulley machine (Prof. Dr. S. Serafin, Copenhagen) |
4.05 pm (16h05) |
Does a rhythmic auditory feedback help exercising with an auditory instruction? (J. Maculewicz, Copenhagen) |
12 pm (12h00) |
Real-time sonification in swimming – from pressure changes of displaced water to sound (Dr. B. E. Ungerechts, Bielefeld) |
4.20 pm (16h20) |
Coffee break & Postersession |
12.15 pm (12h15) |
Lunch Break | |||
Chair: Prof. Dr. N. Wenderoth, Zurich |
5.15 pm (17h15) |
Keynote 3: Augmented visual and auditory feedback and the acquisition of coordination skills (Prof. Dr. S. Swinnen, Leuven) |
Chair: Prof. Dr. C. Voelcker-Rehage, Bremen |
1.15 pm (13h15) |
Keynote 7: Recovery of a unisensory deficit following multisensory rehabilitation (Prof. Dr. E. Làdavas, Bologna) |
6.05 pm (18h05) |
Continuous sound feedback in tracking tasks (E.O. Boyer, Paris) |
2.05 pm (14h05) |
Repetitive arm training with music and error sonification for therapy following stroke (A. Immoos, Zuerich) |
6.20 pm (18h20) |
Sonification of the coordination of arm movements (Dr. F. Bevilacqua, Paris) |
2.20 pm (14h20) |
The use of ecological sounds in neurorehabilitation of apraxia (Dr. M. Bienkiewicz, Muenchen) |
Chair: Prof. Dr. E. Altenmüller, Hanover |
6.35 pm (18h35) |
Keynote 4: Movement sonification and interactive sound art (Prof. Dr. G. Eckel, Graz) |
2.35 pm (14h35) |
Keynote 8: Sonification in sport and rehabilitation (Prof. Dr. A. O. Effenberg & Dr. G. Schmitz, Hanover, Dr. P. Wolf, Zuerich) |
7.25 pm (19h25) |
End of scientific program | 3.25 pm (15h25) |
End of conference | |||
7.45 pm (19h45) |
Social event |