Additional realtime movement acoustics for stroke rehabilitation
Within this interdisciplinary research project a mobile system for motion analysis and acoustic transformation of kinematic movement parameters (movement sonification) will be developed.
Inertial sensors are used to measure kinematic parameters
which are transformed with minimal temporal delay.
(1) Technologically it is a challenge to measure kinematic parameters with a sufficient precision based on inertial sensors (XSens, e.g.) to realize the computation and acoustic transformation with minimal temporal delay in “realtime” and for extended duration of application.
(2) In the behavioral domain it is imortant to achieve high motor efficiency of realtime movement sonification by optimizing it with respect to information content, selection of movement parameters, sound aesthetics as well as acceptance by subjects. These are important pre-conditions for the use of movement sonification in stroke rehabilitation.
Within this research project scientists of the Leibniz University Hanover (Prof. Alfred Effenberg, project coordination, Institute of Sport Science, Prof. Holger Blume, Institute of Microelectronic Systems) are cooperating with a college from the Hanover University of Music, Drama and Media (Prof. Eckart Altenmüller, Institute of Music Physiology and Musicians’ Medicine). The development of the mobile sonification platform is supported by the two companies ‘videantis GmbH’ and ‘Kind GmbH & Co. KG’.
Project Management
Prof. Dr. Alfred Effenberg
Scientific Coworkers
Dr. Gerd Schmitz, Daniela Kröger, Pia Vinken, Ursula Fehse
Project Support
European Union: European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), videantis GmbH, Kind GmbH & Co. KG
Research Area
audio-motor function, kinesiology, motor perception, motor rehabilitation, multisensory integration, stroke rehabilitation